Monday, September 15, 2008

Copyrighted Infringement and Customer Informations

1. If you had a CD-R or CD-RW drive, would you make illegal copies of software programs and swap them with friends? Why or Why not? Defend your answer.

I will not make illegal copies of any software programs nor swap them to my friends; it may be easy money for us and an easy way to have software without spending a penny. But doing this act is unethical to the law, to the publishers, and companies producing programs. Such illegal acts are punishable law. "CD-R or CD-RW infringement" is the illegal copying of software using CD-R recording technology. Creating a copy and/or selling it. This is the act that some people refer to as "software piracy". This is copyright infringement in most countries and is unlikely to be fair use or fair dealing if the work remains commercially available. In some countries the laws may allow the selling of a version modified for use by blind people, students (for educational product) or similar. Differences in legislation may also make the copyright void in some jurisdictions, but not the others. Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing technologies have lowered the threshold of knowledge needed to acquire massive amounts of information. Large networks have been created which are dedicated to share knowledge, but these same networks can be used to distribute infringing material. Identifying infringing material isn't always trivial, since the users can modify the name of material being shared.

Software piracy is illegal due to the economic loss it inflicts on the copyright owner. Even if it is assumed that only a portion of those infringing the author's copyright would ever have bought the software, the author will still suffer an economic loss as a result.
2. Many companies store huge amounts of information about their customers.
Should they be free to share or sell that information? Why or Why not? Support your answer.

Customers’ information is private. Protecting the privacy of a customer is important. Valuing the trust those customers have placed in a company, and their continued confidence is important to a company.

Companies value the relationship between parties. Responsible companies makes customer keep coming back for their undeniable services to them. A company has these privacy privileges:

a. Company should put a safeguard to the information gathered about the customers is a priority.

b. A company should maintain security practices to keep personal information about the customer’s safe.

c. Companies do not sell customer information to unrelated companies so that they can market their products to you. Companies do share information about you with our financial and retail partner.

d. When companies believe that an unrelated company offers products or services that would be of interest to the customer, the company may communicate it for the customer about them. These companies will not learn about the customers’ relationship with the company unless the customer responds to their offer.

e. When it comes to privacy, the companies believe that a customer have the right to make meaningful choices. If customers tell the company not to do so, the company will not call or send direct mail to the customer for additional products or services. You can also choose how personal credit information about the customer is shared within the company of financial service providers. It is the customers’ choice.

f. The company will provide the customer with helpful information about privacy and information security. For example, on our web site, you will find tips to help you protect yourself from identity theft, and limit direct marketing from others.

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